Dakara Kies - Spiritual Energy Healer

Hands On Healer's Blend

Hands on Healer’s Blend

This flower essence combination is designed to open up the channels and release the healer within. It activates the third eye, opens clairaudience channels, enhances all psychic abilities, and develops spiritual healing gifts.

Stimulates channeling and a better understanding of conscious
information that may flow through you. Activates energy flow
through your hands.

4 drops under tongue and 2 drops in palm of hands (rub hands together) just prior to a healing session. You may feel a warm flow of energy quickly to your hands.

Hands on Healer Blend
1 fl. oz. Dosage 

Flat rate shipping in USA only $7.00 for entire order.
FREE shipping over $75.00. International Shipping extra.

Intuitive Healer

DaKara Kies

I’m an intuitive healer that specializes in clearing core issues and blocks that hold you back from stepping into your true power, passion, and purpose. Working with the inner child to bless, heal and nurture that most sacred part of ourselves.

I’ve trained for over 20 years in many healing modalities; and I support my clients on multiple levels, through one on one sessions, teleclasses, and workshops.

However, one of the most powerful ways I can support most people is through my Abundance Healing Calls and the New Moon Abundance Check Writing Ritual!